The image shown above is from Croatia where a one-off three Pagani Zonda HP Barchetta worth over $17 million brutally crashes and torn into pieces. Just by looking at the pictures, we can see that the rare million-dollar worth supercar is damaged severely and is beyond repairable. The good news is though that nobody was hurt or injured during the crash. The Zonda was a part of the Supercar Owner Circle event that was to happen in Croatia. However, we don’t know any details about the crash and when it happened. A video surfaced after the crash, showed what happens when a long supercar and narrow oncoming traffic blend. Let me tell you it’s not the best thing certainly not when a car this expensive and rare is involved.
According to motor1, the crash took place on September 2 and after it, many videos and clips are popping up on social media. @AStopcars on Instagram shared some images that show how brutal was the crash with the pictures of the severely damaged car. The Pagani with the majority of its body has been hit extensively with both front and rear wheels destroyed. The impact of the accident ripped off the entires rear suspension barely leaving the rear bumper cover. The Pagani Zonda HP Barchetta is a collector’s item that costs over $17 million with only three examples ever made. It’s hard to say how this jewel would come back to its shape judging by how severely it crashed.