Porsche unveiled the special edition one-of-a-kind Porsche Macan that will be placed as a reward at the Leipzig Opera Ball on September 24. The German carmaker has been presenting the event since 2013 and will be as a presenter of the event for the 9th time. Porsche All proceedings raised will go towards the beifit of the foundation named, “Leipzig helps children” that promotes young ones in the province. The one off Porsche Macan in the Signal Yellow paint stands out from every other Macan on road.
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Coming from the Porsche’s Leipzig production plant, the Macan will come with new “Leipziger Opernball 2022” letters on one side. And “20 Years of Porsche Leipzig” on the other side which makesit more unique. It makes the brand’s 20 years since the first Macan that came with the signature color palette in the 1970s and never seen after. The one of a kind Macan with its Signal Yellow exterior paint is built to make more people buy the tickets for the fundraiser. The initiative is to attract more people as possible at the night of the opera ball and to help a social cause said by Gerd Rupp, Porsche’s Leipzig chief executive.

The yellow Porsche Macan came into the limelight when the company announced to make over 80,000 Macans with an all-electric powertrain. Porsche will make an electric Macan alongside the ICE-powered SUV till 2 years after they stop making ICE vehicles. But as the car is far aware from production, the Yellow Porsche Macan is to be enjoyed that is built for a social cause.